Stain FAQ's
UV Guard® II Exterior Wood Finish– 4-5 years, depending on exposure
SuSTAIN® Wood Finish- 4-5 years, depending on exposure
For new construction, sand, media blast, pressure wash or chemically clean all areas that have been soiled by the construction process. (Note: It is extremely important to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using chemical cleaners.) These include lifting chain or cable marks, construction traffic marks, etc. Sand all log ends. When using a pressure washer care must be taken not to hold the end of the washer so close to the logs that it raises the grain. Bear in mind that the thoroughness of this work will greatly determine the quality of the resultant finish. Wash the log surfaces with water, making sure to remove any cleaning chemicals and allow to thoroughly dry to 18% or less surface moisture content. Verify that all cleaning chemicals have been removed by checking the wood surface for a neutral pH reading of 6-8.
For untreated aged wood or wood that has been previously coated or stained with products other than LOG GUARD® Interior Clear Coat, UV GUARD® or UV GUARD® II Exterior Wood Finish, the wood surfaces must be completely cleaned by removing untreated damaged wood fibers and/or the existing stain coating. This can be accomplished by pressure washing, using chemical strippers/cleaners, corn blasting, or sanding. Verify the wood moisture content and pH per the above paragraph.UV Guard II Exterior Wood Finish- one coat of stain and one coat of clear
SuSTAIN- one coat of stain
Log Guard- two to three coats depending on your preference