PC-Woody® Wood Epoxy Paste

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Primary Use: Replaces Missing & Rotted Wood
Shipping Time: 3-5 Business Days
Availability: In Stock

Product Description: 

PC-Woody® is an epoxy paste formulated to replace missing and rotted wood. It has structural strength greater than most wood. PC- Woody® is a permanent wood repair for interior and exterior applications. This epoxy is made from real wood and has many characteristics of wood. PC-Woody® formulation provides extended working time, for large and critical jobs, which allows the user time to reposition work or make changes. High “wet grab” or tack of PC-Woody® makes overhead and sidewall work easy without drip or sag. PC- Woody® demonstrates excellent resistance to all weather elements, mildew dry rot, UV light, fresh and salt water, and also chemicals present in pressure-treated wood.


Using separate knives to remove amount needed, mix equal parts A (off white) and B (light brown) on a flat clean surface until a uniform color is achieved. Surfaces to be bonded must be free of dirt, oil, rust, etc. For best results, rough up the surface that  wood epoxy will be bonding to. Normally, no vice or clamp is needed. Prop or tape heavy objects to a wall or ceiling.  Apply PC-Woody® in any thickness to both sides of surface and bring together firmly. Be careful to insure that ample amount of the product remains between the contact surfaces. Use screen wire or fiberglass cloth to reinforce large voids and gaps.  Denatured alcohol is excellent for smoothing applied PC-Woody®. Also use Denatured alcohol to clean surfaces before applying.

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